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Astonishing Accordion! 王寒之手风琴独奏音乐会在圣詹姆斯广场成功举办

阅读量:3660919 2019-10-22

       Astonishing Accordion!        This concert features the first accordionist to ever join the roster of Young Concert Artists in its fifty-seven years of existence, Hanzhi Wang, who will dazzle us with her virtuosity.        The groundbreaking young musician Hanzhi Wang is the only accordionist ever to win a place on the roster of the legendary talent agency Young Concert Artists (YCA) in its 59-year history. She will soon be visiting the Berkshires as Clarion Concerts' Leaf Peeper series continues with herappearance at St. James Place in Great Barrington MA on Saturday, 12 October 2019 at 5pm.
这是“克莱瑞昂音乐会机构”(Clarion Concerts)官方网站的音乐会标题,以及罗宾汉(Robin Hood Radio)电台主持人马歇尔·米尔斯(Marshall Miles)访谈王寒之的开场白。大意是王寒之是有史以来唯一一位在传奇才艺经纪人“青年音乐会艺术家”(YCA)名单上获得一席之地的手风琴家,她将于2019年10月12日星期六访问伯克希尔郡,并在下午5点钟在马萨诸塞州大巴灵顿市的圣詹姆斯广场 (St. James Place)举办个人独奏音乐会,这是第一位出现在成立59周年“青年音乐会艺术家”的手风琴演奏家,她出色的演奏将打动我们。

           这是王寒之2019-2020年美国秋季巡演的第五站演出。受美国杰出长笛演奏家尤吉妮娅·祖克曼(Eugenia Zukerman)邀请,由“克莱瑞昂音乐会机构”主办,王寒之手风琴独奏音乐会纳入The Leaf Peeper Concert Series系列,在著名的圣詹姆斯广场举办。音乐会成功举办后,按该机构青少年音乐教育课程计划,王寒之为Muddy Brook Elementary School的200余名小学生举办了手风琴古典音乐讲座。

圣詹姆斯广场(Saint JamesPlace)主体建筑的圣詹姆斯圣公会教堂始建于1857年,一直是通往大巴灵顿市中心的门户、著名的地区标志性建筑,是马萨诸塞州西部19世纪哥特式复兴建筑的重要代表。该建筑采用当地蓝色白云岩石灰石建造,带有中央塔、拱形窗户和精美的彩色玻璃。因其重要的地理位置和优美的音响效果,该教堂继承了传承古典音乐的悠久传统,定期举办许多专业的室内乐音乐会,包括阿斯顿麦格纳音乐节(Aston Magna Music Festival),与音乐近距离接触 (Close Encounters with Music)和伯克希尔 · 巴赫协会 (Berkshire Bach Society)活动。

“克莱瑞昂音乐会机构”(Clarion Concerts)1957年在纽约成立,以研究、演奏巴洛克时期经典音乐作品著称,常年举办的Leaf Peeper Concert系列在继承发扬巴洛克音乐基础上,每年都委托一位著名的当代作曲家创作新作品。2014年10月,美国著名长笛演奏家、室内乐音乐家尤吉妮娅·祖克曼(Eugenia Zukerman)担任该机构第三任艺术总监,自任期开始,该机构在继续委托创作新作品同时,积极展示在各类重大赛事中胜出的新秀艺术家,扩大该音乐会系列所呈现的不同音乐时期和不同演出风格。并创办了哈德逊市的经典音乐会系列,同时成功实施了青少年音乐教育计划。
活动结束后,王寒之和 Clarion Concerts
艺术总监 Eugenia Zukerman及工作人员合影留念

Robin Hood Radio
Marshall Miles Interviews Hanzhi WangClarion Leaf Peeper Concert Sat Oct 12 at St. James Place in Great Barrington
OCTOBER 8, 2019
The Exceptional Hanzhi Wang Coming to Great Barrington. Prize-winning Accordionist in Concert, Community Engagement
The groundbreaking young musician Hanzhi Wang is the only accordionist ever to win a place on the roster of the legendary talent agency Young Concert Artists(YCA) in its 59-year history. She will soon be visiting the Berkshires as Clarion Concerts' Leaf Peeper series continues with her appearance at St. James Place in Great Barrington MA on Saturday, 12 October 2019 at 5pm. Tickets are $40, $25, and will be free to students with ID and free to children accompanied by an adult.
The vivacious Ms. Wang will also be performing for the children at Muddy Brook Elementary School in Great Barrington earlier in the week. Such school visits are centralto the philosophy of Clarion Concerts, a presenting organization which has been bringing music to the Hudson Valley/Berkshires for decades. “Community engagement initiatives are as important to our mission as our concerts,” says Clarion Board President Dave Hall. “We're delighted that Hanzhi Wang will be helping us reach out to young people in the Berkshires.”
As part of her Young Concert Artists prize Hanzhi Wang has performed in New York at ZankelHall at Carnegie Hall, and made her Washington, DC debut at the Kennedy Center,co-presented by YCA and Washington Performing Arts. Young Concert ArtistsSeries has also presented Ms. Wang in New York with the Omer Quartet at The Morgan Library and Museum.
Ms. Wang has also won First Prize in the 40th Castelfidardo International Accordion Competition in Italy. She inspires the next generation of accordionists with lectures, performances and masterclasses, at the Manhattan School of Music, Royal Danish Academy of Music,Tianjin Music Conservatory, Ghent Music Conservatory (Belgium), and the inaugural 2018 Nordaccordion Festival in Norway among many others. Composers Martin Lohse, James Black and Sophia Gubaidulina have written and dedicated works to her.
Ms. Wang earned her Bachelor's degree at the China Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. She completed her Master's degree at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen with the renowned accordion professor Geir Draugsvoll, and now serves as an assistant teacher at the Academy. Ms. Wang's first recording, Onthe Path to H.C. Andersen, is available on Naxos Records (8.573904).
“罗宾汉广播电台”官方网站:  https://robinhoodradioondemand.com/podcast/marshall-miles-interviews-hanzhi-wang-clarion-leaf-peeper-concert-saturday-october-12-st-james-place-in-great-barrington/——————————————————————


