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讲演预告 | 弗莱堡大学史明教授:Labor Heroism and the Symbolic Order of Yan'an

阅读量:3671853 2019-10-22

主题Labor Heroism and the Symbolic Order of Yan'an 内容简介Laborheroes are an important phenomenon in the history of socialist China. This talk will introduce the labor hero movement of Yan'an and show how the Chinese Communist Party made labor heroes the pivot in its efforts at reconceptualizing society, establishing new social relations and creating a socialist subjectivity. It will reveal the new symbolic order constructed in the official media, primarily Jiefang Ribao (Liberation Daily), and highlight the relationbetween labor heroes(as representatives of the “masses”), intellectuals and Mao Zedong in the construction of new hierarchies.
主讲人史明(Nicola Spakowski)教授
Nicola Spakowski is a Professor of China Studies at the University of Freiburg, Germany. Her research is dedicated to the history of twentieth-century and contemporary China, with a particular interest in socialhistory; gender and women studies; and concepts of time, past and future. She is member of an interdisciplinary research group on heroism which is the context for her research on China's labor heroes and heroines. 主持人周晓虹南京大学文科资深教授教育部长江学者特聘教授南京大学当代中国研究院院长
地点南京大学仙林校区社会学院合美堂(401室) 主办单位南京大学当代中国研究院南京大学社会学院

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