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阅读量:3696069 2019-10-23

 Teacher:Stephen Tang
 导师介绍:唐浩邦Additional Music Experiences
? Served as the chief of the Symphony Orchestra of Southwest University of Science and Technology from 2008-2012, formed a string quartet band and gave touring concerts in different universities in Mianyang during period, and held a personal concert in 2012.

? Joined the Guangzhou Baroque Orchestra as the first violin player, and held concerts in the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong and Macao from 2012-2016.

? Founded the Guangzhou Gamut Baroque Ensemble in 2016 and participated in many Baroque-themed concerts in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In 2018, the ensemble went to Germany to participate in the Baroque Music Festival and instructed by Petra Müllejans, founder of the Freiburger Barockorchester (Freiburg Baroque Orchestra). Currently the ensemble focuses on playing and researching on the Early Music, including Renaissance Music and Baroque Music.
2016年创建广州佳慕巴洛克古乐团,在广州和深圳举办多场巴洛克主题音乐会。2018年乐团赴德国参加国际巴洛克音乐节,受世界著名古乐团——弗莱堡巴洛克乐团创始人兼音乐总监Petra Müllejans指导。目前乐团专注于研究及演奏早期音乐,包括文艺复兴时期音乐及巴洛克音乐。

? Dedicated to the teaching of the performance of Baroque music for many years, pursuing a simple musical aesthetic enjoyment, and cooperating with players from Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra to form a studio for the research on the education of juvenile violin playing.

招生要求 Requirements of Students
1、 年龄要求 Age:5周岁以上的孩子 Children over 5 years old
2、 集体课程要求 Requirements of Collective Courses:每个班不多于6个学生。Less than 6 students for collective courses.
课程:Requirements of Course
1、 一对一课程 Private Course:
Private course will focus on violin playing teaching. Normally, the time of each course is 45 minutes.
2、 集体课程Collective Course:
Collective course is based on the private course. It includes music appreciation, music theory, which is to assist the private course, to make sure that students have a deeper understanding of violin and music.

Reasons of Learning Violin Playing
  Violin is a stringed instrument which plays a very important role in a modern symphony orchestra. 
       Violin needs to be played with the right by using the violin and left hands by using the bow at the same time, which is very beneficial to the development of left and right brain intelligence.
       Violin performance has a higher intonation requirements. Therefore, learning violin playing is more conducive to children's cognition of intonation. 
       Also, it takes persistence to learn to play the violin well. It's the best way to hone a child's perseverance.

 免费试听: 5人/时间段 
Free Course – 5 Students for each Course
Time – Oct. 27th  16:00—16:30
报名截止时间: 26号24:00
Application Deadline – 24:00, Oct. 26th
优惠活动:  报名送小提琴一把
Application Promotion Activity: Those who apply will get a violin free.
报名方式:  联系Suki老师报名咨询


