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【10.26|东风店】一次“飞虎”的万圣节!HALLOWEEN WITH THE TIGERS

阅读量:3709707 2019-10-23

Halloween is on its way --- 万圣节来啦!

The scariest party of the year is about to happen --- 一年一度最可怕的派对归来

...and this year we celebrate it together with Kunming's own rugby team, The Flying Tigers, on October 26 at the O'Reilly's Beer Garden! --- 但今年的万圣节有点不同,我们把“老虎”请过来一块儿过!昆明橄榄球队,昆明飞虎队刚好也是在本周六举行2019年春城橄榄球邀请赛,邀请了来自全国的团队来参加!

Start the day watching the Kunming Spring City Cup! Games will take place at the Changchong Mountain's rugby pitch No.1+2, from 10am to 2pm --- 10月26日(周六)从上午10点开始一直到下午2点,过来看并支持你本地的橄榄球队!就在长虫山运动公园的1号场!

As soon as the games are over, we'll be heading to the Dongfeng beer garden to watch the rugby world cup semi-finals, New-Zealand vs. England, starting at 4pm! --- 比赛一结束,咱们一块儿到爱尔兰东风店看橄榄球世界杯的半决赛,新西兰 vs. 英国(下午4点开始)。 

And finally after this proper rugby-themed warm up, we'll end up all dressed up to celebrate the scariest Halloween we can!  ---  橄榄球主题的热身结束之后,我们继续HIGH,穿上我们万圣节的party服一块儿过最疯狂的万圣节!

Here is what we prepared for this year's O'Reilly's Halloween party --- 今年万圣节爱尔兰东风店准备什么了呢?

Halloween drink specials --- 万圣节特价
Luponic Distortion 13 = 38RMB/pint ---  新生啤蛇麻13号38元大杯
Vedett Blond = 25RMB/pint ---  企鹅25元大杯

Halloween's decoration & atmosphere --- 万圣节装饰与气氛

Live music --- 现场音乐

See you this Saturday! --- 周六见!


