
Kolkata was once the capital city of British India and also the Gateway to India till 1912. Once a showpiece of the British Empire, Kolkata has managed to preserve some of the extravagance of its grand old colonial residences, while steadily making a name for itself as the intellectual and cultural capital of India. Today, Kolkata is one of the major metropolitan cities of India along with Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai. Like other cities it offers equally a very wide variety of charm and activities of various interests to its visitors.

加尔各答是一个人才济济的地方。加尔各答人对艺术和体育充满热情,被称为“狂野创造力之城”。这里也被称为快乐之城,人们总是充满热情和兴奋。加尔各答的旅游业发展势头强劲。来自世界各地的人们前来探索这个风格多元的神话般的城市。去加尔各答旅游的最佳时间是10月到3月。Kolkata is a complete reservoir of talent. People of Kolkata are simply passionate about arts and sports, especially football and cricket. It is also known as the city of joy, where people are always full of enthusiasm and excitement. Tourism in Kolkata India is gaining a lot of momentum. People come from different parts of the world to explore this fabulous city containing magnificent edifices, constructed in a variety of styles. The best time to travel to Kolkata is between October and March. 威廉城堡Fort William

威廉堡是加尔各答一个必去的旅游景点。它坐落在胡格里河畔,以英国国王威廉三世的名字命名。威廉堡建于1696年英国统治时期。在1757年的普拉西战争中,孟加拉的纳瓦布攻击这座堡垒并打败了英国人。后来英国人又重建了这座古堡。新堡垒由罗伯特·克莱夫发起,于1780年完工。在堡垒周围被清理的区域变成了广场,时常有展览和集市在广场举办。Fort William is a must visit tourist attraction place of Calcutta. Situated at the banks of river Hooghly, it was named after King William III of England. Fort William of Kolkata, India, was established during the tenure of British Raj in 1696. During the Plassey war in 1757, Siraj Ud Daulah, the Nawab of Bengal attacked on the fort and defeated the Britishers. This paved way for the construction of a new fort by British. The new fort was initiated by Robert Clive, which got completed by 1780. The area that was cleared around the fort became maidan, where several exhibitions and fairs take place. 豪拉大桥Howrah Bridge

豪拉桥位于西孟加拉邦的胡格里河上,据说是世界上最繁忙的桥。豪拉桥也被为“Rabindra Setu”,建于1874年。它矗立在两个270英尺高的柱子上。这座桥是一座悬臂桁架桥,没有使用任何螺母和螺栓。虽然早前有电车路线,但目前主要用作路桥。这座桥是加尔各答的地标性象征。你可能已经在很多电影见过它的身影。Howrah Bridge, located over the Hoogli River in West Bengal, is said to be the busiest bridge of the world. Hawrah Bridge also known by the name 'Rabindra Setu', was set up in 1874. It stands on two 270 feet high pillars. The bridge is a cantilever truss bridge that was constructed without using any nuts and bolts. Though, earlier it had a tram route, but presently, it is serving mainly as a Road Bridge. This bridge acts as an important symbol of Kolkata. 大理石宫殿Marble Palace

大理石宫殿的加尔各答是一个必须参观的旅游景点。它建于1835年,由Rajendra Mallick建造,是一个精致的艺术画廊。大理石宫殿收藏了艺术、雕塑、绘画和油画等不可思议的物品。它的主要亮点包括鲁本的杰作。你还可以找到伦勃朗、雷诺兹和梵高等人的原作。
Marble palace of Kolkata is a must visit tourist attraction spot. Built in the year 1835 by Rajendra Mallick, it is an exquisite art gallery. Marble palace houses the marvelous objects of art, sculptures, pictures & oil paintings. Its major highlight includes the Reuben's masterpieces. You can also find the original paintings of Rembrandt, Reynolds and Van Goyen etc. 维多利亚纪念馆Victoria Memorial

加尔各答维多利亚纪念堂是一座建于1921年的博物馆。英国建筑师协会主席威廉·爱默生爵士设计并绘制了这座纪念碑的平面图。这是一个奇妙的地方,将带你进入过去的历史世界,在那里你可以看到杰出人物的照片和肖像,他们为印度的荣耀做出了伟大的贡献。今天,维多利亚纪念馆是加尔各答最好的艺术博物馆之一。它是一座184英尺高的建筑,占地64英亩。博物馆的北廊上有令人惊叹的人像雕塑群,他们是审慎、学识和母性的缩影。Calcutta Victoria memorial hall is a fabulous museum that was established in the year 1921. The credit for designing and drawing the plan for this monument goes to Sir William Emerson, President of the British Institute of Architects. It is a fantastic place that will take you into the world of past history, where you can view the photos and effigies of prominent personalities, who made an incredible contribution in the glory of India. Today, Victoria memorial is one of the finest art museums in Kolkata. It is a 184 ft tall edifice that was constructed on 64 acres of land. The museum houses a group of mind-blowing figures above the north porch that epitomize prudence, learning and motherhood. 作家大楼Writers Building

作家大楼的建设早在1690年就开始了。它得名是因为它是东印度公司青年作家的居住地。其实,原本的作家大楼没有一点建筑美感。后来,另一座作家大楼就是在这个地方从新建成。这座哥特式建筑是在副总督艾西利·伊登(1877年)任职期间建成的。今天,它是西孟加拉邦政府的秘书处。这座巨大的建筑也被称为“Mahakaran”,所有重要的文件和西孟加拉邦政府的其他记录都保存在这里。The construction of Writers building began as early as in 1690. It got its name owing to the fact that it served as the dwelling place for the junior writers of the East India Company. The original Writers Building did not have any architectural beauty. It was on the same site that another Writers' Building was created later on. This Gothic structure came into existence during the tenure of Lt. Governor Ashley Eden (1877). Today, it serves as the Secretariat of West Bengal Government. This gigantic building is also known as 'Mahakaran', where all the important documents and other records of the West Bengal Govt are preserved. 艾登花园Eden Gardens

加尔各答艾登花园是这座城市最欢乐的地方之一。花园其实是一个板球体育场,人们在这里见证了印度板球的历史。它是全印度最古老的板球运动场。加尔各答艾登园板球俱乐部于1864成立。1917-1918年第一次在这里举行板球比赛。这里可容纳约12000人同时观看球赛。加尔各答的艾登花园绝对属于必看之地。Eden garden of Kolkata is one of the major tourist attraction places of the city of joy. Eden gardens is basically a cricket stadium, where people have witnessed the history of Indian cricket. It is the oldest cricket playground in the country and also the finest one. Calcutta Eden Gardens Cricket Club came into existence in the year 1864. The first ever first-class match that took place in the Eden Gardens was in 1917-18. Today it boasts of its large accommodation that can capacitate about 1,20,000 persons. Eden gardens of Calcutta definitely falls into the category of must-see places. 白鲁尔庙Belur Math

白鲁尔庙于1938年由圣人罗摩克里希那的弟子所建,是罗摩克里希那传教会的总部,是其融合了清真寺、教堂、寺庙于一身的建筑群(其教义就是每个宗教都能通神)。白鲁尔庙内有一个非常大的祈祷大厅,在那里你可以找到令人敬畏的罗摩克里希纳雕像。白鲁尔寺院内坐落着多个寺庙最为出名的是以声名显赫印度教修行家和瑜伽士Sri Ramakrishna(罗摩克里希那)的名字命名的主庙(Sri Ramakrishna Temple)
Calcutta Belur Math was founded in 1938 by Swami Vivekananda, the disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa, paying homage to his guru. Belur math has an amazingly big prayer hall, where you can find the awesome statue of Ramakrishna. It houses a beautiful monastery, several temples and also has the headquarters of Ramakrishna mission. This international tourist attraction place is based on the principle of religious fraternity, as was advocated by Ramakrishna Paramhansa. This is also reflected in the architectural design of Math, which exhibits a blend of temple, church and mosque patterns. 印度博物馆 Indian Museum

印度博物馆是印度三大博物馆之一,建造于1875年,这座意大利风格建筑物呈四方形,中间是花园庭院。馆内共三层,分为考古学、艺术、民族学、地质学、物产、动物学等六大展区,展示出丰富多彩的印度文化遗产。其中考古学展馆的展品丰富,拥有从印度的古文明时代到伊斯兰教时代的文物,以及佛教和印度教的珍贵艺术品艺术品展馆展示印度各地的纺织品、地毯、金属及象牙制的艺术品。The Indian museum, popularly known as ‘Jadughar’ is the ninth oldest museum across the world. It is the largest museum across India and boasts exquisite collections of armor, antiques, ornaments, skeleton, fossils, mummies and beautiful Mughal paintings. Over 60 galleries display a collection ranging from ancient sculpture and Egyptian mummies to medieval and contemporary paintings, and even a sacred relic of the Buddha. 圣保罗大教堂St. Paul's Church

加尔各答圣保罗教堂是印度第一个圣公会教堂。它是按照伦敦著名的圣马丁田间教堂的风格设计的,据说圣马丁田间教堂是世界上最美丽的教堂。随着时间的推移,尖塔和圆柱门廊的完美结合成为殖民地教堂建筑的典范。希腊建筑特色在加尔各答圣保罗教堂的内部作品中得到了真实的体现。The St. Paul's Church of Kolkata is the first Anglican Church of India. It has been designed in the style of London's popular St. Martin-in-the-Fields church which is said to be the most beautiful church in the world. The beautiful blend of steeple and portico having columns has become the model of colonial church architecture with time. The Grecian architectural characteristics are truly reflected in the internal works of St. Paul's Church of Kolkata.