艾惴恩.宝格那出生于1985年,是他那一代最有才华的比利时青年古典吉他演奏家之一。他从小就是勤奋和热情的学生。他一开始跟随Yves Carlin学习吉他,后来在Odair Assad的指导下,在莫斯皇家音乐学院(比利时)学习了他的高级课程,并于2008年以最优异的成绩毕业。
作为非常全面的吉他演奏家,艾惴恩.宝格那以其演奏的敏感性和节奏极强的感染力而闻名。现在他分别作为独奏家,室内音乐家和老师,活跃在古典吉他界。由于才华横溢,当他被选中陪伴美国女高音歌唱家Dawn Upshaw参加圣丹尼音乐节时,才22岁。随后在美国西雅图,英国,苏格兰,希腊 - 在着名的雅典帕拉斯剧院 – 进行了美国巡回演出,并参加了位于阿姆斯特丹的“荷兰节”。
他的个人演出众多,特别是在阿根廷举办的世界吉他音乐节上,艾惴恩.宝格那取得了巨大的成功。令人惊讶的8弦浪漫吉他组合,通过艾惴恩.宝格那与Raphaella Smits的合作而诞生。2014年出版专辑,Soundset Recordings唱片公司为他们在美国,泰国,德国,比利时,法国的巴黎国际歌剧院,和斯洛伐克的JKMertz国际吉他节举办了巡回演唱会。艾惴恩.宝格那也是Alki Guitar Trio的创始成员。他的两张专辑已于2011年和2015年由GHA RECORDS发行。三人组合在巴西,德国,比利时,法国的巴黎国际歌剧院,和波兰的西里西亚吉他节举办了音乐会。
发行了他的第一张个人专辑,名为“V” 的双专辑,由GHA RECORDS出版。艾惴恩.宝格那的专辑非常荣幸能够成为阿萨德兄弟,大卫.罗素和爱德华多·艾萨克等艺术家齐名的最受的专辑之列。
在艾惴恩.宝格那与交响乐团的合作中,包括了西班牙国家交响乐团,圣保罗室内乐团,皇家歌剧院和Wallon Royal de chambre de Wallonie合作演出。他在Miguel Harth-Bedoya,Augustin Dumay和Guy Van Waas的指导下工作。艾惴恩.宝格那还与不同风格的音乐家合作,如打击乐手Jamey Haddad,单簧管演奏家David Krakauer,第八黑鸟乐团(美国)和Brodsky四重奏(英国)。
艾惴恩.宝格那的录音定期在比利时国家电台Musiq3和Klara,以及国际广播电台播出。除了擅长演奏古典浪漫吉他之外,艾惴恩.宝格那还是一位现代音乐家,他最近与来自比利时的贝斯手André Klenes 成立了二重奏组LUZDA LUA,演奏爵士音乐 。他们一起在2019年为HOME RECORDS唱片公司出版了一张名为“光明”的专辑。他还与六角手风琴音乐家Daniel Gruselle合作,演绎探戈音乐。
尽管年纪轻轻,艾惴恩.宝格那的教学才能就得到了大名鼎鼎的教育家们的赞扬。他是鲁汶莱文斯学院的客座教授,协助Raphaella Smits教学。他曾在蒙斯皇家音乐学院和比利时列日皇家音乐学院,担任休斯科尔普和Odair Assad的助理。
Born in 1985, Adrien Brogna is one of the most talented Belgian guitarists of his generation. Diligent and enthusiastic student since his childhood, he started learning the guitar withYves Carlin then followed his superior course at the Royal Conservatory of Mons (Belgium) under the tutelage of Odair Assad, where he graduated in 2008 with Great Distinction. Noted for the sensitivity of his playing and his rhythmic fire, multifaceted guitarist now divides his time between a career of soloist, chamber musician and teacher.
Talented recognized by his peers, he was only 22 years old when he was chosen to accompany the American soprano Dawn Upshaw at the Festival de Saint-Denis. There followed a tour in the United States via the Benaroya Hall in Seattle, England, Scotland, Greece - at the prestigious Pallas Theatre of Athens - and participation in the "Holland Festival" at the Muziek Gebouw aan 't ij Amsterdam.
His solo appearances include asuccess in Argentina in the Festival Guitarras del Mundo. An astonishing duo of 8 strings Romantic guitars is born through his collaboration with Raphaella Smits and an album in 2014 recorded for Soundset Recordings label has allowed them a concert tour in the USA, Thailand, Germany, Belgium, France (Festival International de Guitare de Paris) and Slovakia (J.K.Mertz International Guitar Festival). The young guitarist is also a founding member of the Alki Guitar Trio whose two albums have been released by GHA RECORDS in 2011 and 2015. The trio has given concerts in Brazil, Germany, Belgium, France (FestivalInternational de Guitare de Paris) and Poland (Silesian Guitar Festival).
Adrien Brogna released his first solo recording, a double album called "V" published by GHA RECORDS. Agreat honor to be on the catalogue of the label aside artists like Odair Assad, David Russell and Eduardo Isaac.
Among his appearances with orchestra, Adrien Brogna played with the National Orchestra of Spain, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, the Opera Royal de Wallonie and the Orchestre Royal de chambre de Wallonie. He worked under the direction of Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Augustin Dumay and Guy Van Waas. His repertoire has led him to collaborate with musicians such as percussionist Jamey Haddad, clarinetist David Krakauer, members of the Eighth Blackbird ensemble (USA) and the Brodsky Quartet (United Kingdom).
His recordings are regularly broadcast on Belgian national radio Musiq3 and Klara and international radiostations. In addition to its specificities on the Romantic guitar, Adrien Brogna is a modern musician and his recent commitments make him open to musicinspired by jazz in LUZ DA LUA, a duo with the Belgian bassist André Klenes. Together they record in 2019 an album called "Illuminations" for the label HOME RECORDS.
He also plays in a duet with bandoneonist Daniel Gruselle, in a program around tango music.
Noticed pedagogue despite his young age, his teaching talents were solicited by big names. He was indeed Guest Professor at the Lemmens Instituut of Leuven assisting Raphaella Smits, he was assistant of Odair Assad at the Royal Conservatory of Mons and of Hughes Kolpat the Royal Conservatory of Liège, Belgium.
Since 2015, Adrien Brogna is Professor at the Royal Conservatory of Liège, Belgium. He is generously supported by the US strings company D’ADDARIO.
上半场 (First Half):
Johann Kaspar MERTZ 约翰 卡斯波梅尔兹
Le Romantique, Grande Fantaisie
浪漫 大幻想曲
Fernando SOR 费尔南德斯 索尔
Fantaisie élégiaque opus 59 幻想曲 作品59号
Georg Philipp TELEMANN 格奥尔格菲利普 塔尔曼
Fantasia N°7 in E-flat major, TWV 4020
降E大调幻想曲 作品7号
Dolce, Allegro, Largo, Presto
Transcription Carlo Marchione
Frédéric CHOPIN 费德里科 萧邦
Valse n°1 opus posthume 69 华尔兹 作品 1号
Arrangement Roland DYENS 改编:罗兰 迪安斯
Johann Kaspar MERTZ 约翰 卡斯波梅尔兹
Tarantelle 塔兰泰拉
Bardenkl?nge n°6 巴登格兰 舞曲 作品6号
中场休息 (-intermission-)15分钟 (15mins)
下半场 (Second Half):
Heitor VILLA-LOBOS 海特尔 维拉罗伯斯
Suite Populaire brésilienne 巴西民谣组曲
I Mazurka-Choro 1 玛祖卡-肖罗
II Scottish-Choro 2 爱尔兰-肖罗
III Valsa-Choro 3 华尔兹3号-肖罗
IV Gavotta-Choro 4 加沃特-肖罗
V Ch?rinho 5 库林霍
Astor PIAZZOLLA 阿斯特 皮埃左拉
Invierno Porte?o 布宜诺斯艾利斯的冬季
Arrangement Sérgio Assad
改编:塞吉奥 阿萨德
Sérgio ASSAD 塞吉奥 阿萨德
Fantasia Carioca 卡里奥卡幻想曲
The repertoire is subject to change without further notice.

Nov 14th 2019 19:30 UCCA, 798Art Zone
Nov 15th 2019 19:00 Centennial Hall, Peking University
Nov 16th 2019 19:00 MengManWai Concert Hall, Tsinghua University
Nov 17th 2019 16:00 La Plantation, Shunyi
2019年11月14日 19:30 尤伦斯当代艺术中心,798艺术区
2019年11月15日 19:00 北大百周年纪念讲堂李莹音乐厅
2019年11月16日 19:30 清华大学蒙民伟音乐厅
2019年11月17日 16:00 璃墟剧场,一号地,顺义

Public Wechat ID: String139