Moreno Donadel Trio
Time: Oct 24 Thu, 9:30pm
Venue: Tango by Ala House
Location: 亮马河南路18号二层 | Liangmahe Nanlu 18 2F
Line up
Moreno Donadel - piano
Dan Callaghan - double bass
Antonio Fusco - drum

Moreno Donadel / piano
意大利古典、爵士钢琴演奏家、作曲家、编曲人、教育家。自幼接受正统的学院音乐教育,曾从师如Christine Meyr等多位一流国际音乐家。与他合作过的世界级爵士音乐家如Rufus Reid、Mark Murphy、Bob Mover、Enrico Granafei等。他还与中国的著名音乐人如郎朗、崔健、张惠妹有过合作。1998年Moreno定居北京,这十多年以来他一直致力于爵士乐在中国的普及和推广。2013年参与专辑《Wanderlust》录制(编曲、演奏、录音),荣获AWIT 格莱美3项大奖以及6项提名。2015年与著名音乐人刘元为崔健的电影《蓝色骨头》制作音乐荣获汉密尔顿幕后英雄最佳原创音乐奖。
Italian classical and Jazz pianist, composer, arranger. In his early age he studied accordion and piano with world's well known musicians such as Ms. Christine Meyr. He played music with world famous musicians, such as Lee Konitz, Rufus Reid, Mark Murphy, Bob Mover, Anthony Hart, to name a few and he wrote arrangements and compose for the famous Chinese musicians such as Langlang, Cuijian, A-mei to name a few. He has been living in Beijing teaching Jazz and classical piano since the 1998. In 2013 He participated in recording the album "Wanderlust" for the Philippine singer Tria Bascon as an arranger and performer and won three big prizes and 6 nominations at AWIT Grammy Awards.In the 2015 He won the Best Original Score at "Hamilton Behind the Camera Awards" by the music he created with musician Liu Yuan for the movie《The Blue Bone》 directed by Chinese rock star and movie director Cuijian.

Dan Callaghan / double bass
毕业于New Park音乐中心爵士表演专业的Dan Callaghan是爱尔兰最好的低音提琴家之一。他于2013年来到中国,参与了众多大师级爵士音乐家的演出。
Dan Callaghan is one of Ireland's finest double bass players. He graduated with an Honours BA in Jazz Performance from Newpark Music Centre, Ireland. Dan has been working professionally in Beijing, China since early 2013 and has fast become one of the first-call bassists in Beijing.

Antonio Fusco / drum
Antonio Fusco是欧洲最早期也是最核心的爵士鼓手之一。他不仅一直在圈内非常活跃,同样为爵士乐的新潮流贡献了很多心血,目前他是许多欧洲乐队的成员之一。2011年,他成立了乐队Antonio Fusco Sextet- Suite for Motian,并与2014年在意大利的音乐唱片厂牌Auditorium Parco Della Musica旗下正式发行,同时受到了国内的一致好评。同样在2014年,他与两位来自英国的优秀爵士音乐家建立了三重奏乐队NS3:钢琴手Bruno Heinen和丹麦籍低音提琴手Henrik Jensen。他创作了Esarmonia发行的鼓手指南书籍LA COORDINAZIONE (The Coordination),并曾经接受过很多国内知名报纸媒体的采访,包括Musikateneo, Drums and Percussion, Senza Barcode (Web magazine)和JAZZIT, Jazzespresso。在2014年,他被Flavio Caprera创作并由Feltrinelli发行的新版"New Italian Jazz Dictionary"提名。自2017年认北京现代研修学院爵士鼓及合奏课老师。
Antonio Fusco is one of the most important and original drummers of the European Jazz scene. Always supportive and focused on new trends in jazz and music in general, he’s currently involved in various European project. In 2011 he founded the project - Antonio Fusco Sextet- Suite for Motian and in 2014 it was released with the Italian label Auditorium Parco Della Musica Records, getting great approval from the national critic. The 2014 is also the beginning of a new trio NS3 project with two brilliant musicians of the UK jazz scene: the pianist Bruno Heinen and the Danish bassist Henrik Jensen. He is the author of the drums method LA COORDINAZIONE (The Coordination) published by Esarmonia Publishing. He was interviewed on several important national newspapers including Musikateneo, Drums and Percussion, Senza Barcode (Web magazine) and JAZZIT.Since 2017 he teaches jazz drums and ensemble music at jazz department of the Beijing Contemporary Music Academy.
定位须知 | Booking
1. 请关注本公众号,并发送酒吧名称 / 访问日期和时间 / 人数 / 预定人姓名 / 联系方式,我们将回复确认您的订位信息
To make a booking, please follow this public account, and send name of venue to visit / date and time / size of party / name and contact number. We will reply to confirm
2. 我们的现场音乐演出不收门票,但在演出日会有合理的最低消费要求
We do not have a cover charge for live music. However, a reasonable minimum spending will apply during live show dates
3. 我们的现场音乐演出并非背景音乐,我们恳请客人在演出时段保持低语,确保舒适的音乐欣赏环境
Our live show is not background music. We kindly ask our guests to be considerate of a listening room experience and speak low
Ala House
新城国际21号楼 | T21 Central Park
7pm-2am | 010-65336661
Frank & Misty by Ala House
新城国际3号楼 | T3 Central Park
7pm-2am | 010-65007847
Tango by Ala House
亮马河南路18号二层 | Liangmahe Nanlu 18 2F
周二至周日 7pm-2am | 010-85322418