The Moon and Sixpence Chapter 5 前1/2部分。


Chapter V
During the summer I met Mrs. Strickland not infrequently. I went now and then to pleasant little luncheons(午餐宴会) at her flat(公寓), and to rather more formidable(强大的,难应付的) tea-parties. We took a fancy to one another. I was very young, and perhaps she liked the idea of guiding my virgin(新手,无经验的) steps on the hard road of letters; while for me it was pleasant to have someone I could go to with my small troubles, certain of an attentive(体贴的) ear and reasonable counsel(建议). Mrs. Strickland had the gift of sympathy(同情心). It is a charming faculty(能力), but one often abused by those who are conscious of its possession: for there is something ghoulish(令人毛骨悚然的)in the avidity(活动性,热切) with which they will pounce(猛抓) upon the misfortune of their friends so that they may exercise their dexterity(机敏). It gushes(涌出) forth like an oil-well(油井), and the sympathetic pour out their sympathy with an abandon(放任) that is sometimes embarrassing to their victims. There are bosoms(胸,胸怀)on which so many tears have been shed(shed过去分词,shed,流出) that I cannot bedew(沾湿) them with mine. Mrs. Strickland used her advantage with tact(机智). You felt that you obliged(帮忙,施恩) her by accepting her sympathy. When, in the enthusiasm of my youth, I remarked on this to Rose Waterford, she said:
“Milk is very nice, especially with a drop of brandy(白兰地酒) in it, but the domestic cow is only too glad to be rid of it. A swollen(肿胀的) udder(乳房) is very uncomfortable.”
“牛奶很棒,尤其是在里面加上一滴白兰地酒,但是本地的奶牛却迫不及待地要把它排出去。肿胀的乳房真的很不舒服。” [佩服作者这想象力!!!能把如此抽象的道理叙述得如此生动且幽默]

拉格比公学(Rugby School)
拉格比公学位于英格兰中部沃里克郡(Warwickshire)拉格比镇上的一间男女兼收寄宿学校,也是英格兰最古老的公学之一,成立于1567年(明隆庆元年)。拉格比公学以其为橄榄球运动发源地而闻名于世,橄榄球(Rugby football)一词正是取自于拉格比。
Rose Waterford had a blistering tongue(blistering,使…暴晒,blistering tongue形容毒舌). No one could say such bitter things; on the other hand, no one could do more charming ones.
There was another thing I liked in Mrs. Strickland. She managed her surroundings(环境,周围,此处指家里) with elegance(优雅). Her flat was always neat and cheerful, gay(此处指‘明亮,艳丽’) with flowers, and the chintzes(原型chintz,印花棉布) in the drawing- room(客厅), notwithstanding(虽然) their severe(严峻,古板)design, were bright and pretty. The meals in the artistic little dining-room were pleasant; the table looked nice, the two maids(原型maid,女仆) were trim(身材苗条) and comely(长相清秀); the food was well cooked. It was impossible not to see that Mrs. Strickland was an excellent housekeeper(家庭主妇). And you felt sure that she was an admirable(令人钦佩的) mother. There were photographs in the drawing-room of her son and daughter. The son — his name was Robert — was a boy of sixteen at Rugby; and you saw him in flannels(法兰绒) and a cricket(板球) cap, and again in a tail-coat(燕尾服) and a stand-up collar(衣领). He had his mother’s candid(率真,坦诚) brow and fine, reflective(沉思的) eyes. He looked clean, healthy, and normal.

2019年橄榄球世界杯(Rugby World Cup,简称RWC)在日本举行
Rubgy已经成了橄榄球的代名词。榄球运动(Rugby Football)可包含以下几种运动:橄榄球(Rugby Union)、7人制橄榄球(Rugby Sevens)、联盟式橄榄球(Rugby League)。
~~to be continued~~