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摩登家庭中, Gloria经典台词瞬间:
Scene 1
Phil & Claire
I was gonna get it. 我本来马上就要去做的。
Did you ring the bell? -你按门铃了吗?
I'm not really a baseball guy. 我实在对棒球无爱.
I was just being facetious. 我刚刚是开玩笑的啦 .
-facetious /f?'si???s/ /f?'si??s/ adj. 爱开玩笑的, 轻率的;滑稽的, 好笑的; adv. 爱开玩笑地; n. 滑稽.
He's the tying run. 他在追平比分.
Dylan! D-Money! 迪兰 迪迪仔[小迪迪]; Chillin' with Dylan the villain! 古惑小迪仔 快乐摇又摆.[和小坏蛋Dylan一起玩玩] ;"D" To the "Y" To the--... -小迪的迪 迪兰的兰 ... 【??♀?阅读接触不到的那些口语,口头语……】
-chilling with sb. 和某人一起。eg: I did nothing these days, just chilling with some friends.
-villain /'v?l?n/ n. 坏人,恶棍;戏剧、小说中的反派角色;[口]顽童;[英口]罪犯.
【Phil的台词确实印证了他是a hip. 而Cameron的语速快~、Jay的语速慢,最容易一遍过】
Audio and Subtitles
Riley Morton coming up now. 赖利·莫顿上场Kelly at second. Started the inning with a double. 之后是凯利 开局就是个漂亮的双杀That seems like an hour ago. 局势看起来跟一小时前一样-Honey, I thought you were gonna take out the garbage. -I am. -亲爱的 你不是要倒垃圾嘛 -是的High fly to right. Hooking, hooking-Foul. 右侧高飞球 曲线飞出 界外球-Phil. -Yes. Getting it. -菲尔 -收到 马上去I was-I was gonna get it. 我本来马上就要去倒的-Dylan. -Hey, Mrs. Dunphy. -迪兰 -你好 邓菲太太Um, I'm just waiting for Haley. 我在等海莉-Did you ring the bell? -I texted. -你按门铃了吗 -我给她发短信了She said she'd be down in just a minute. 她说她马上就下来-Oh, great. Tell her I said "Hi." -I will. -那好 替我向她问好 -没问题Dylan! D-Money! 迪兰 迪迪仔Chillin' with Dylan the villain! 古惑小迪仔 快乐摇又摆-"D" To the "Y" To the--Hey, Mr. Dunphy. -小迪的迪 迪兰的兰 -邓菲先生Hey! Come on in. 快进来You're just in time to catch the end of the game. 你刚好赶上看比赛结果Oh, I'm not really a baseball guy. 我实在对棒球无爱Haley says "Hi." 海莉也向你问好I was just being facetious. 我刚刚是开玩笑的啦 Come on. I'll catch you up. 来 叔跟你说说赛况Sit it. Park it. 坐下 速度点Come on. I don't bite. 放轻松 人家又不会吃了你Kidding. 逗你玩儿I'm kidding. 逗你玩的啦Okay. See that guy? He's the tying run. 看到那家伙了吗 就是他把比分拉平的Interesting story about him. 特别有趣的是He's been stuck on second base forever, 他一直被困在"二垒"那一步and I'm pretty sure he's gonna try and steal third, 我敢说他要试着偷上"三垒"了which is just a terrible, terrible idea. 我觉得这是个馊主意How are you and Haley doing? 你跟海莉上到几垒了
Scene 2
Jay & Gloria
How do you say in English? (那词)用英语怎么说?
元元连读:加音之i系, +j
toy airplanes
Words and Phrases
You wanna fly one of these, you gotta be familiar with airfoil, drag, lift and thrust and these are all principles of aerodynamics.
-airfoil /'e?f??l/ /'?rf??l/ n. 机翼;螺旋桨。
drag, lift and thrust 拉力 空气浮力和推力。
-principles 基本原理。
I'm pretty sure this is a typo. 这肯定是印刷错误。
-typo n. [口]排印错误;排字工;印刷工。
Once, on a dare, he even boxed with an alligator.
-on a dare 借着胆/被激怒。
-box 拳击。
-wrestle /'res(?)l/ /'r?sl/ n.&v. 摔跤;斗争;搏斗。
Audio and Subtitles
I wish I could stay home with you and fly toy airplanes. 我真希望能跟你一起宅在家玩玩具飞机These aren't toy airplanes, Manny. 这可不是玩具飞机 曼尼These are models, and they're very complicated. 这叫模型 非常复杂的玩意儿You wanna fly one of these, you gotta be familiar with airfoil, 要想成功让它飞起来 就必须了解螺旋桨 drag, lift and thrust- 拉你 空气浮力和推力等等and these are all principles of aerodynamics. 全都是航空动力学的基本原理The box says "12 and up." 可盒子上写着"适宜12岁及以上人群"What? 什么You can fly toy planes with Jay next time. 下次你再跟杰一起玩飞机-Today you have to spend time with Luke. -Why? -今天你得跟卢克待在一起 -为啥啊Because his mother invited you, so you go. 因为他妈邀请你去 所以你就得去Family needs to be close. Right, Jay? 家庭成员间需要亲密相处 对吧 杰I'm pretty sure this is a typo. 这肯定是印刷错误Men need their hobbies. Manny's father had many hobbies. 男人得有点爱好 曼尼他亲爹可有一大堆Like hiking in the desert, 比如沙漠徒步旅行that kind of skiing that they drop you from the- 还有从那什么玩意儿上蹦下来滑雪的那个How do you say in English? 那玩意儿用英语怎么说来着-Helicopter. -Yes. -直升机 -没错Once, on a dare, he even boxed with an alligator. 有一次 他被人激将 竟然跟鳄鱼打拳击"Wrestle." You wrestle- 那叫格斗 格斗You can't box with alligators. 跟鳄鱼可打不了拳击Are you sure? 你确定吗How would they get the gloves on those little claws? 就它们那小爪子怎么戴得上拳击手套-Aren't they like tiny little hands? -No! -看起来不像小手手吗 -像个屁Okay, now I forgot what we're talking about. 好吧 现在我都忘了我们刚刚在说什么了Anyways, hobbies are important for the men, 不管怎样 对爷们儿来说 兴趣爱好很重要whether you're risking your life... 无论是以命相赌的惊险爱好or flying little planes from a safe distance. 或是离得远远地玩小飞机都一样