Before our sweet bombs today, we are happy to annouce that Unicorn Galaxy will finally start our Yoga With Baby on WEEKEND! Post can be found at the end of the article. You can also type in 'YOGA' to get Vicky's wechat account for more details.
Autumn is the most charming season of Shanghai. Xuhui riverside in the morning are quiet and cozy with some ships roaring now and then, attracting babies standing still to see them off. Babies at this time are toddlers around 1 year old, cute and energetic.

Come and meet our cuties

认真练习的妈妈们Hard working mommies

努力给宝宝一个亲亲Bend more to give baby a kiss
Apart from some basic exercise, Yuhan introduced Reebozo to help mommies enhance their core muscles and hamstring muscles that mommies desire to shape most, the more important to make yoga more fun and connecting with their little ones.
让我们看一看Reebozo到底是怎么用的吧。Let's see how Reebozo works in yoga class.

Guess who will win?

Mommies are actually shaking !

除了各种拉伸,用Reebozo一起划个船,宝宝开心,妈妈的核心....也开心到颤抖。Apart from the stretches, row the boat with Reebozo is a great fun with babies.

Liam和妈妈配合得太棒啦Liam works so well with mom!

原来宝宝坐上来之后腿真的很难抬起来Looks easy but actually soooo hard to raise the legs

小满正在某处暴走Little Manman is busy somewhere else
We also shoot some mommy-baby moments. Mommies may find that we are busy recording every moments of our little ones but forget to take some selfies with them.

Finally, comes some hard to delete moments.

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2019/10/26 Sat. Yoga With Baby
Before the spooky party of Halloween, come and refresh yourself with an outdoor yoga at the riverside. This week, Zoe, with great core muscles strength will rock with you and your little one. If family members would like to join. Just show up!
Please type in 'YOGA' to get Vicky's wechat account for more details.

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